Sunday, March 22, 2015

Overcoming Obstacles One Spoon At A Time

Well, despite what the title of today's post infers, I didn't use a spoon at all.  Sure I used one to stir my coffee this am, but I certainly didn't use one to move an obstacle in the road.  No digging, no moving, no nothin' with a spoon.  But since the title of my blog is, "A Spoon the the Road," I just thought I might throw that in there.  It was clever to me at the time.

Today's running post includes the fact that I was pretty darned sick at the beginning of the week.  Whatever this 'crud' is, it has been in my system for weeks, breaking out at this, it's second point, to lay me down for a couple of days.  It includes a horrid cough, chills, fever, malaise, congestion and some shortness of breath.  I had the first break out of it a couple of weeks ago, thought it was done.  But this last Sunday it hit in full force again and I was laid out for a couple of days.  Thus missing a day of work and any running (or other workouts).  Hence the 'obstacle' mentioned in the title.

Yesterday, despite the lingering cough (it's a hacking cough really; one that never really clears, and never really brings anything up.  sorry to be so descriptive, but really, I'm an ER RN.  I COULD get much more graphic.  Trust me), I did day 1 of T25 with Shaun T.  I bought it quite a few months back and with it's boasts of, "you can do 25 minutes," I had gotten waylaid with my running schedule, etc.  So, yesterday I began day one, week one of 10 to go along side my running regimen.  I hacked and coughed through it---but really, I would have been hacking and coughing anyway!  Might as well do it while you're working out!  AND, after my second day with it, it is proving to be a great warm up for my runs!

Today's stats:  Day 2 of T25, + 3.06 miles on the treadmill with varying speeds and inclines.  Music for the run consisted soley of Led Zepplin---PERFECT!  Overall I am pretty pleased with the day thus far.  I have approximately 9 weeks til the Half in Portland, and I think my training is off to a good start.

So.  Not perfect.  I alternate between a 11 minute mile and a 15 minute mile.  I need to run more consistently.  I need to stick to Hal Higdon's 1/2 marathon training schedule.  I need to / and am going to do T25 5 days a week as well.  I feel as though I am setting myself up for success!  Yah for success!!

There ya go.  There's the update to my running blog.  Nothing earth shattering, except I am getting and staying more consistent.  Those are some great gains.  Indeed.

Peace out people!  Go get your goals!  You CAN do it!  If I can, you certainly can!

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