Monday, January 16, 2012

Time of Your Life

I am in the absolute best time of my life.  Well, I should say that cautiously.  But I am...

When I had all six kids at home and my main focus was their education, their upbringing, their well-being, it was the time of my life.  I knew no greater purpose.  I lived and breathed my sweet, sweet short people.  I would fall asleep at night thinking of what they would need in the coming days and weeks and I was truly hap-hap-happy.  There truly is no greater joy than rearing/raising wonderful children.  (yes, there were YEARS of trying days/weeks/ months.  But overall, if I had the choice of doing it all over again or having some life of singleness, or childlessness, or even less children, I would choose the exact same life again).

Then, a child or two was ready to move into their own life, into adulthood.  And that (cough-cough) was fine too.  Even more than thinking of your short people 29/8 (as opposed to 24/7), is the divine pleasure of knowing that they are doing well and moving on appropriately with their lives.  There is a line from "Pride and Prejudice" that says it all for me----but I can't find it.  It is when Jane is speaking with her beloved sister, Lizzy, about her marriage and the joy it will bring her family.  She says something about knowing it will bring happiness and pride to her family.

Well, that is what it feels like when your kids make good choices for their lives.  It DOES bring joy to their family...  it makes their mama happy.  ( i care not about them doing well monetarily---that will come and go, but true happiness and thoughtful decisions leave their mama (me) very well pleased.  i have had money, and i have been without.  thoughtful, insightful decisions by your children are far better!!)

So.... fast forward.  I now have just two short people at home.  Asa is 14 and Selah is 12. The oldest four are progressing quite well with their lives including college, wifing, military life, hard work, and a combination of the former.

I go to work.  I come home.  I have a fabulous garden.  I have a lot of dogs and as many cats.  I sleep well; I eat well; I enjoy what I do on all ends (work, home, kids, etc).  I am having the time of my life.  (and the house is quiet the majority of the time)

What is the time of your life?  What will it be in 10, 20 years?  Can you imagine what it will be like?  Plan for it...  know that you may entirely enjoy what is going on right now (with kids that are defiant and yelling at you) and that your 'time' is right around the corner), so think ahead.  The future is sooner than you think!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Week Into It

Ok.  There you have it.  We are a week into the year 2012 and what do we have?  Nothing much.  It sure feels just like it did a mere two weeks ago when were we still writing "2011" on our checks.  What's changed?

Nothing but the progression of time has changed, my dear friends.  I hate to break it to you, but there is no magic bullet or switch that you can flip that will change things.  It is much like a long drive across this great country of ours.  Simply moving from Washington State to Oregon changes nothing.  Oh yes, there is a sign that says, "Welcome to Oregon," but the terrain is EXACTLY the same.  You can expect some great difference, but there isn't one.  Trust me.

This is the same thing that happens after one day of eating well and exercising.  I assure you, I have studied this to a great extent.  In my feeble, simple mind at the day's end I consider all that calorie counting and all that work, and figure I should have lost AT LEAST 15 pounds.  But again, the terrain is the same and not much has changed.  I have not become that 25 year old-never-had-a-child, hard body....  I am not shaped into a body building figure.  I am simply the same person I was a the onset of the day.  Except I worked out and ate well.  Dag-Nab-it, if this thing is gonna take some REAL effort and some REAL change, it is gonna take some REAL time!!!

So, when can we expect 2012 to look differently than 2011?  I figure the real change will present itself somewhere between September 2012 and January 2013.  OMG!!!  Did I just bring 2013 into play....??? Well, yes, I did.  And by 2013, 2011 will seem vastly changed.

And maybe I will appear to have lost about 30 pounds and look more fit.  Good Lord, I can't wait for 2013 to get here!!
