Friday, February 24, 2012

there always has to be the first day

Ok.  So, worked a FABulous shift as charge nurse for my beloved ER.  12 great hours.  The dilemma for a fine day in my ER isn't something overly complex or something that has to do with a life saved or lost (several of those happen regardless), but with being so busy and stressed that I grab what is available for sustenance and settle for less than the optimal nutritive choices.  As I gear up for my challenge, I am even more acutely aware of how my poor choices will affect me.

So today, I ate cafeteria food:  two scoops of hobo hash for breakfast, two hard boiled eggs (from home) for snack, the meatballs and jo jos from the cafeteria....and then a bite of ground beef once I got home.  Not the best choices, but they are what they are.  On the morrow, I will plan more accordingly.  Take your food, silly.  Don't eat the cafeteria food.

One day at a time, folks.  One silly day at a time.



  1. I love you with all of my heart. Inspiration in all stages. Xoxoxo.

  2. what happened to the last three days?

  3. silly, silly girl! when i workie, i no can writie... it's too hardie... for me, e.
